Forum Discussion

owenavenge460's avatar
10 years ago

Where are the stairs supposed to go?

I used my pieces to build a substation along the track.
  • thatdonald845 wrote:
    Shirtless_Willie wrote:
    I run my monorail from the main station with all station parts used to the Krusty one with every track piece used between them. Because of that I've had to swap every thing around each time I hit a new prize level. Today I have this for the station. The track continues on using all my full length straight pieces followed by a convoluted mess of all my S-Pieces, curves, and shorter straight pieces before ending at the Krusty station.

    I like when all the wiggly track pieces are placed together. The animation is fun. This is how to make diagonals instead of a straight grid. I am hoping that more S-pieces and short length pieces are released.

    It is nice watching the train go through it all, but the big bunch of them uses up a lot of ground space.