Forum Discussion

stinkbugger's avatar
8 years ago

Which is better: Cheering Crowd or Rude Crowd?

Cheering Crowd versus Rude Crowd.

Which do you prefer? Which is the better of the two? And why?

  • Jonalinn's avatar
    New Spectator
    I do give kudos to EA for at least allowing us to manage the crowd size... that's a definite plus :)
  • I like rude crowd better because they have cellphones and beer. And the first option looks like mtf's taking a selfie lol
  • What I'm realizing is i really don't like how the randomness jumps about when trying to select from their various sizes.

    Don't switch to another group and change that one!! So stupid! I get 9 set the way i want, go to the 10th, and if i try to rotate through it twice, it'll jump back through and change the ones I'm happy with.
    Argh! I know they do this on purpose to aggravate us. Life-ruiningly fun my butt! They're sadists!

  • Besides the cost in crafting currency, there's really very little difference between the two. You can only tell who is cheering or rude when they're tapped. So all things being relatively equal, I'd go with the less expensive crowd.

    As it is now, I have the cheering crowds at the stage and the rude crowds standing in line at merch and concessions.
  • "surfcitygal2;c-1679621" wrote:
    I have rude crowds buying beer and other stuff. The spectators are all cheering, so to each its own!

    Lol, that's what I've been doing. I have mostly cheering crowds at the concert stage with rude crowds lined up in front of the Duff stands. :D :p