Forum Discussion

bluyoshi88810's avatar
9 years ago

Which Premium Building Shoud I Buy?

Yes. Also me. ..... Waits to hear other people answer who know what they're talking about......

from what I've heard, Greta doesn't satisfy for that price.
and from what I've observed, I've never seen the Stacy lady doing anything, so her visual(s) probably aren't "awesome"???? More of a for-the-building type of purchase?
Casino guy is too new to say what's up with that.
Miss Springfield flaunts it, but so does Ms. Texas, so.....
Princess Kashmir is the one I'm leaning toward. Unvoiced though, and people have said they were disappointed with her storyline. Eh. Still...... she seems saucy and somewhat of a rare bird.
  • Those are not my favorites, but I would lean towards Princess Kashmir/Florence of Arabia. Mr. Teeny has a new 12-hour task there.

    I do really want the casino, though.
  • Greta, as you can make immediate use of her for this Halloween

    Second choice would be Princess Kashmir, for the reason that petehd14 mentioned that it gives Teeny a solo 12 hour task (the building also counts toward Consumerism if you are having trouble maxing that).
  • Nothing can beat the hilarious Miss Springfield and her affairs with the Mayor in the Sleazy Motel ... Ops, I mean, Sleep Eazy Hotel, hehe. :mrgreen:
  • Don't buy happy sumo if you haven't already got it. It cost donuts to finish the storyline. I got Akira because I always wanted him but didn't know I would have to buy 3 bonsai trees valued at 12 donuts each, just to finish the storyline.
  • emmcee1 wrote:
    Don't buy happy sumo if you haven't already got it. It cost donuts to finish the storyline. I got Akira because I always wanted him but didn't know I would have to buy 3 bonsai trees valued at 12 donuts each, just to finish the storyline.

    The questline does require 3 Bonsai, but you can make Akira Plant, Prune and Re-pot Bonsai 3 times (36 hrs for each) rather than buying them from the store.

    Sorry to hear you spent donuts, emmcee. :cry:
  • i see im the only one, but i like johnny the most out of the characters to chose from. greta might be more useful right now, but if i think of those people in the show, i recognize mrs springfield and johnny tightlips the most out of those options, but out of those two my guess would still be johnny as i like his character more^^
  • my advice is WAIT. Last year there was a HUGE discount on premiums for Black Friday.