Forum Discussion

  • From Wiki:

    "Bart, Nelson, Martin, and Milhouse hire a rental car for a road trip to Knoxville, Tennessee after finding a brochure for the city's World's Fair.

    In Knoxville, however, they find out that the fair was held fourteen years earlier, and that its featured attraction, the Sunsphere, is now being used as a warehouse for a wig shop. "

    From Season 7, Episode 20, Bart on the Road.
  • Because that's what all the cool pigeons are doing. :lol: :mrgreen:
  • mikeydluffy wrote:


    Marge (answering the phone): Hello?.... No! Bart is not available tomorrow to deliver a human kidney to Amsterdam. (Hanging up the phone). Homer, are you laughing at me?

    Roll credits....
  • bekahlake22 wrote:
    Flying Rats

    Yeah, send in the Bolivian Tree Lizards! :twisted: