Forum Discussion

OrdealByFire's avatar
10 years ago

Wow. Another "to be stored" building.

I leave em up. Town looks like a disaster sometimes but I don't really care.
  • petehd14 wrote:
    They should really let people trade the stuff in their inventories. It would be really easy to implement this.

    I've been wanting a sort of auction house for ages.

    Let people bid with Donuts.
  • Snakeyees wrote:
    I incorporated it into my krusty lu studio set so it looks like a movie prop.

    This is something I'd like to do, but I don't have the space for it... or I could try making space, but it would take an hour or two to rearrange my Springfield afterwards.
  • The Kane Manor looks good, (I don't have it yet), but something is going to have to go in to storage so I can fit it in.
  • 4junk3000 wrote:
    The perspective that this stuff is too big and out of place, is one held by longer term tappers who are short on space and have lots of older features.

    But this event was obviously designed with the goal of hooking lots of new players. The event challenges were rather easy to obtain, and new players would have plenty of room for these non-SF features.

    The game is meant to appeal to many demographics. It's impossible for all features to appeal to everyone equally.

    I will be storing most of this events features. But I suspect SOME, not MOST players will do similarly.

    Agreed - while multiple large items might be somewhat frustrating for long time players with a lot of premium content and therefore not much available space, if I think back to when I was a newer player struggling to save up money to buy the buildings to progress through the levels I would have absolutely loved to get all this stuff for little or no cost during an event.

    A great thing for both new and old players alike, though, would be the ability to move more items to Krustyland such as the super hero stuff or Clash of Clones stuff. A castle area or super hero area would be awesome in the huge expanse of land Krustyland provides us to work with.
  • Distracty wrote:
    Variety is the spice of life, kids! I like some things, others I don't. So, I'm sure you an I have different "stupid" buildings stored.

    Personally, I LIKE the Rad Man statue. I've put some fences and dumpsters around it to help with the construction site look. I also temporarily placed some other suitable buildings and a message to the heroes by it duiring the battle... :P

    I like it too.

    I just don't like how it doesn't "fit" in my Springfield.

    I don't think there's any denying it looks cool, the animation especially.
  • how can you put event items in storage thats what not everyone get the standart items everyone get :lol: event items alwase in my town :mrgreen: