Forum Discussion

bartman5674's avatar
12 years ago


Bart-man5674 wrote:
Have you ever tried using iPad voice feature In fact I'm using it now
It is really funny and it works all the time You can say smiley face and one comes up
iv never tryed it to be honest. But I had used voice search for the google chrome app. And it works amazingly well :mrgreen:
  • Bart-man5674 wrote:
    Have you ever tried using iPad voice feature In fact I'm using it now
    It is really funny and it works all the time You can say smiley face and one comes up

    Yep, works awesome on the iPhone too because I hate typing on those screens. have a heavy Texan accent like my husband and the voice-to-text goes all crazy. It's funny to see what it thinks he's saying. My car also has one of those features and it just flat out says "I cannot understand you". I die laughing.
  • My friends car things rubbish (it's actuly an Aston Martin but I mean voice control) he says radio on he ends up ringing a random number I cried it was that funny
  • lissarv68 wrote:
    Bart-man5674 wrote:
    Have you ever tried using iPad voice feature In fact I'm using it now
    It is really funny and it works all the time You can say smiley face and one comes up

    Yep, works awesome on the iPhone too because I hate typing on those screens. have a heavy Texan accent like my husband and the voice-to-text goes all crazy. It's funny to see what it thinks he's saying. My car also has one of those features and it just flat out says "I cannot understand you". I die laughing.

    THIS! I'm from Ohio, my accent is so vanilla it will put you to sleep. My husband has a Baytown tx accent so thick it could stop a truck and he says I talk funny. The Dragon program shuts down when he tries to use it and Siri has gotten downright belligerent with him. But I talk funny :wink: He couldn't even use onstar when it came out. It's like that Burnistown episode about the voice activated elevator and the Scottish people trying to get to the eleventh floor :D
  • My mom's Texas accent is so heavy she has been told "I don't understand you" by her iPhone, her car's navigation system and by Rosetta Stone. It's frustrating toher, hilarious to all of us.
  • I don't usually use voice to text. Even though I don't have an accent, it only seems to get about 90% correct.

    My funny voice recognition story is as follows: I had pulled up the Google app and clicked the voice search button. Before I could say what I wanted, my buddy sitting next to me let out a loud belch. Google came back with Yahoo for that. Wasn't sure if it was a sly jab at Yahoo or not :)