Forum Discussion

codyrhwhit355's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 months ago

2 months same error report. No one from ea has an answer.

2 months ago I got a server error. Doesn’t matter what device I use the same report pops up every time I try to log in. I’ve been playing for 10 years so this is annoying. I’ve live chatted with numerous ea people and no one has helped. Major bug **bleep** going on . Error (4.69.0:29:105105-ee22146f-b4fb66c3)


all the live chat people had. N O answer and the latest guy today told me to post here

  • codyrhwhit355  I honestly think you should continue your journey with EA support.
    A question and a curiosity: can the chat assistants access your city? I think it's the first test they have to do and if they can access it then you should be able to do it too and the problem is to be found elsewhere (and we'll see what to do later); if they can't do it either, then there's a problem with the online save and they have to solve it remotely!