Forum Discussion

thegemtev3's avatar
12 years ago

Major issue / Squidport Part 3 - Unable to build boardwalk to continue game.

I think the problem is you have boardwalk where the wants you to place it. Try moving the boardwalk pieces that have the phone booth and park bench(the blue sections in your last picture)
  • It won't allow me to inventory the boards and few items. It won't let me break the tutorial to do such simple task either. If only it were that simple.
  • Try killing the app and reinstalling it. Hopefully that resets enough things to let you clean up the boardwalk and start the quest over.
  • Tried that a few times, with power down of device after uninstalling also for good measure. But no success, same problem exists. If i am going to get a fault with a game it always will be extra difficult to fix for some reason.

  • It allowed me to build the squidport, but was able to keep building boardwalk tiles for over 24 hours. I thought see what i could place on boardwalk tiles i.e seat , phonebooth...