Forum Discussion

lucerionx3's avatar
12 years ago

Question about Santa coins

1. Whether you have 1 blue house or 100 blue houses, you can only collect on one every 24 hours.

2. Every house gives the same 5 coins.

3. See and Essentially, you find friends who have all the premium items and click in and out (not collecting anything) for awhile, which builds up the amount you can collect from each house.

I got about $1 million this morning doing so for about an hour on a friend that has a TON of premium stuff.
  • itsmedanshep wrote:
    1. Whether you have 1 blue house or 100 blue houses, you can only collect on one every 24 hours.

    2. Every house gives the same 5 coins.

    3. See and Essentially, you find friends who have all the premium items and click in and out (not collecting anything) for awhile, which builds up the amount you can collect from each house.

    I got about $1 million this morning doing so for about an hour on a friend that has a TON of premium stuff.

    Thank you so much for the help but regarding number 3 i was not refering to money but coins as in the santa coins : p
  • Alrighty thanks for all the help , if you could just help me with one more thing what is the best way to get coins with donuts because I'm pretty sure that I will not have enough coins for slh And funzos before this event ends with just coins through friends
  • I'm also unsure on how long this is going to go on. Right now I sit at almost 1200 coins and if it were to end, let's say tomorrow...and i wasn't able to collect anymore coins, I'd be majorly disappointed unless of course afterwards you can go ahead and buy Santa's Little Helper for cash. I don't have 100 friends but I am hoping that this will last another 5 days for me and well for you, I hope it lasts til at least the end of January. It sucks for people who are just now getting into this game, that are fans of the Simpsons and can't get their beloved pet! Back during the Halloween special, I was upset I was unable to get that one alien guy...can only imagine the upset over the dog. haha ...I was dumb though with my santa coins at first because I didn't realize how much the dog would cost. I purchased the 1000 coin funzo when it was part of the quest instead of the 750 one. :\ Sad. haha just hope I can get the dog anyways. I can't afford the donut stuff all the time...and purchasing the 10/20 packs for 1500 of them, heck, even for just 500 of them is tedious and expensive.
    I am pulling for ya! And gather more friends while you're doing this, no telling the benefits of having more friends!

    Lv 23