Forum Discussion

muntedtoenail's avatar
12 years ago


If you want to spend money on this game, then do it in a legitimate way. Don't give money to thieves.
  • I've looked at this site since your post and it said you can use PayPal, which is a safe way of payment with protection,but out of interest I proceeded to checkout only for it to have a PayPal looking page that asks for my credit card and PIN number, PayPal never ask for this information why on earth would you give that stuff out.For me it's a mega scam but if some one knows better i would be interested to hear their story!
  • muntedtoenail wrote:
    iv seen on youtube people talking about a site called
    what you can buy all donuts for $10, has anyone tried this and does it work, this requires them having my email and pasword, seems dodgey but los says it works.
    Your thoughts?

    The email and password they require is to log into your simpsons TSTO game, they then set about the games data to provide you donuts and other items.
    I would be totally surprised that EA gives their blessing.
    To me it's thieving!
  • ANYTHING that asks you for your personal credentials (IE: username/password) should be avoided at all costs.
  • Besides the fact of it being immoral or you could get scammed, u'll just ruine the game for yourself. Iv spent/won donuts and premiums and got everything, iv got every thing in the new update now I'm bored nothing to shoot for. I if I was u just enjoy the game and wait till u can get what u wnt.
  • I'd also be careful, I've read people can get banned from the game for using services like this.
  • muntedtoenail wrote:

    Your thoughts?

    After I saw the gamezino promotion on TSTOTIPS today, I thought "What the..."

    After I commented about the poor reputation of that store on WOT, I noticed that all other comments are entirely positive and in praise of gamezino. So there's something fishy going on in the state of Springfield...

    I don't expect that they would publish my comment, or any other critical word.

    I'm thinking now: How much did these guys get for the promotion? What did they receive in return now that they've sold their soul?

    And we all know what life without a soul looks like:

    There's a blog that once was great going down the drain... Rest in peace, TSTO Tips...

    I've just unsubscribed from their postings, and will be getting my infos from here and from the TSTO pages on Reddit now...