Forum Discussion

mcaudio348's avatar
11 years ago

Wolfcastle Quest line stuck

Hmmmm. My usual advice would be to store the farm (and therefore cletus) and replace it, however this will reset your corn. Try storing the wolfcastle mansion and replacing it, that may trigger it
  • mcaudio348 wrote:

    I am currently in the Wolfcastle quest line and it has stopped after make Mr Burns hide nuclear waste. The next task should be Wolfcastle and Cletus at the farm. Both have 12 hour tasks. This has not triggered even though Cletus is free. My only guess is to why it hasn't is that I have been growing corn now and have 46 days left. I still have not done the harvest gmo pomatoes task because I'm growing corn and that is still in my task bar to be done.

    Is it that, or something else that is holding up the quest line?

    Some time ago, an update only allowed 1-2 active quests per character. Since Cletus triggered the GMO pomatoes, it likely cannot be started until this quest is complete. You can:

    1. Store the farm (your corn will be lost with 0 payout) and start the task now
    2. Wait out the corn and then plant the GMO Pomatoes

    I'm sure you have many other tasks ongoing, just you won't be able to do this storyline for quite some time. You could technically buy donuts to sped up the corn - but that is not worth it.
  • I think its the Cletus GMO thing and therefore, there is nothing I can do about it. Ill just continue the SWAT van and Sir Putts A lot quests until my corn finishes. Hopefully I can keep going in the quests.