Forum Discussion

stonedodin's avatar
12 years ago

Quest stuck at hibbert?

What was the last quest you did?

Have you finished all the Lenny & Carl quests?
  • Being your still doing the Lenny & Carl quests this may be holding up the other tasks

    Check his link out below, it has all the information on what you need to do for each quest, you will need to scroll down a little way down to find the hibbert section

    Hope this helps :D
  • What link? You didn't post one... Plus Lenny and Carl are like 3 buildings ahead of where I'm stuck. Don't have burns manor, Ralph, or the hospital. Also, if its the link I think I looked it over already, shows the requirements for the quests and all....
  • Oops sorry mate, here's the link I meant to put:

    As you say this could be the link you already checked out, the Lenny & Carl quests may have taken priority over the stage you are at the moment.

    Have you had all characters free all at once? Left them to walk around or 5mins, then put them all on hr tasks that might help kick something for you........maybe
  • Yea same link but I'll go thru it again. Thanks btw lol. And yes I've left all chars doing nothing, for days sometimes... Think it could be a bug from mrburns/fruit-batman? He's also stuck but its cause I can't build burns manor yet, still locked and that's half the requirement for his quest, idk just thinking.... I've tried so many things its not funny =\

    "9. Burns hide Nuclear waste (8 hour) (keep Hibbert free) (Medical Industry Corruption) " that's the last quest it gave me for the hibbert family practice quests, so stuck there...
  • Might have found the issue... For some reason I didn't have the orange house needed for one of hibbert's quest options, ill post if it does fix it...
  • Hmm ok running out of ideas now lol

    I'm thinking it may be the Lenny & Carl quests that are holding u up but I could be wrong, really hope this gets sorted :(
  • StonedOdin13 wrote:
    Might have found the issue... For some reason I didn't have the orange house needed for one of hibbert's quest options, ill post if it does fix it...

    Oh sweet :D glad you may have sorted it :D
  • Figured I waited long enough so rushed the building and success!!! Is the orange house newer to the game? Can't believe I didn't have it.... Either way, if anyone else gets this issue they can find the fix for it here. Thanks ALOT too for your help bud!
  • That house has been there a whole :D lol

    Glad you got it all sorted and can continue playing he game :D

    I didn't really help but tried too lol :mrgreen: