Your game on PlayStation is rated 3 stars, significantly lower than the previous UFC installment. To say “This does not include changes to longevity, based on the feedback that's been provided” and then requesting people giving the suggestions, to try out the game- I mean, It is not looking good going forward.
If suggestions continue to be ignored, like 2K when they released WWE 2K20, there will be a fall off and a loss of profit due to lack of content, replay-ability, & bugs .They had to completely do a re-work but at the least they respect and listen to their players to a degree to TAKE SUGGESTIONS INTO CONSIDERATION.
A longevity enable/disable option is something I’ve requested since UFC 2. Respectfully and with well thought out consideration, all can agree that would bring not only profit, but more profit as it adds to more replay-ability for offline players. That is good for ratings.
Personally me, due to the let down of the longevity not being an enable/disable option & lack of content provided for single-player based players, I don’t really play the game much anymore & tend to delete it instantly, each time I reinstall it on my system. This is because nothing is different compared to the last. This can be argued with, but that won’t change your ratings. Going based off ratings for UFC 5 & 4 on PlayStation alone, I don’t think people would disagree.
Just a suggestion, take a suggestion. The longevity disabled option would go well with the game overall and make it enjoyable. However, I expect nothing less but a patch note you the DEVs see fitting, which seems to be the underlying cause for complaint. If it’s nothing we the consumer ask for, nothing is ultimately fixed. Do as you wish, it’s not my Intellectual Property.