6 months ago
Is cheating still possible?
I wonder if it is still possible to cheat after all, since I finished the Wolfpack Strikes Again moment, only to find out that the top leaderboard is twice !!! as fast as me. I'm a bad driver, but no...
More moments with the same bug, not limited to Finland, also one Kenia moment with 4 stages. Again, the "top" runners are more or less twice as fast as me. The Turbulent Encounter moment is very telling, since the "top" times are all 2 minutes something. That is a very good time but only for the second stage. Their time for the first stage with over 11 km is missing! This is simply sloppy and EA should fix these kind of bugs. Why isn't there any automated plausibility check built in?
It must still be possible - EA - You might want to check your Official WRC Club - I believe there is a cheater competing.