Forum Discussion
I’m genuinely surprised that a lot of players seem bewildered that PSVR2 support hasn’t been added.
just looking at PSVR2 section off PS store and as far as I can tell the only AAA games that have PSVR2 are GT7, Horizon Call off the mountain (Both Sony games) and No Mans Sky. Forgive me if I missed any. I have no interest in VR so don’t keep 💯 on top of what games support it. Anyhow All have had PSVR2 support added well after those games were released. Newest of those games being GT7 which released first quarter of 2022. But not only that. Doesn’t seem like there’s much to get excited about. Looking at the upcoming PSVR2 games listed on PS store.
Like 3D TV. VR has struggled for decades to gain any meaningful traction. One of VR issues has always been. Being closed off from reality in a sense isn’t something the masses find appealing.
Then factor in huge co-operations where profit is king. Which is pretty much all of them. AAA publishers lust for profit only being surpassed by Big Pharma. Don’t try with creating trends as that’s to risky. following trends is the safe, tried and trusted method shareholders like.
Only reason PSVR2 has been added to GT7 and Horizon is because it’s a Sony product. If roles were reversed and MS had developed XBVR2. And if GT7 and Horizon were available on Xbox. I promise you neither would have VR support.
Until Sony sell many more as they have admitted themselves PSVR2 sales have been disappointing. Very few AAA publishers will bother.
Sorry I like the sound of my own voice.
But last point and it’s relevant to mainstream racing games. playing racing games using a wheel is far far superior than using a controller or keyboard. Majority of players who play racing games still use a pad. Despite wheels which have been around for decades and range from affordable entry level wheels to HOW MUCH?! I can buy an actual car for that!!
Gaming despite its popularity is still mainly a casual hobby for most. And before anyone mentions that PC gets VR support. Gamers on PC are more likely to be dedicated hardcore players and will likely have VR because the applications for VR on PC go way further than just gaming. Console players are more your average few hours here and there on a particular game before they get bored and move on to the newest AAA release
90% of your reply is complete nonsens, and your just looking like a negative self entitled vr hatet. One of those guys that just have to enter vr discussions, telling everyone how vr is dead or will fail in some way. All while blindly dismissing the actual increase in VR.
Just to poke one hole in your argument.. off course gt7 didn't have psvr2 support at launch, since gt7 was released way before psvr2 was even available for preorder!
And no where have Sony or playstation ever said that they are disappointed with the sale figures of psvr2.
There's been Click bait articles on the web, but when actually reading them. They don't say anything about it.
Psvr2 have loads of AAA games!
But AAA racing games is definitely missing for now.
But if you include all genres of games, I'd say psvr2 have way more AAA games then PCVR, and way more AAA level of the so called AAA games.
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