Forum Discussion
Here's a quick video showing off the auto-exposure in action when switching to an interior view:
Most other settings that effect the visibility are turned off or disabled there, unfortunately this craziness cannot be disabled on our end from what I can tell.
sa1vequick posted a better workaround on the steam forums.
just need to add and adjust this r.EyeAdaptation.LensAttenuation=0.45 setting in the under [SystemSettings] in the Engine.ini
they recommend 0.45, but you can try any value you want. ymmv, and once again, this isn't a true solution,just a hackaround. the overall effect still needs to be removed for real so console players can benefit as well!
- 2 years ago
thanks sa1vequick but a do something for an officiel patch and remove the yellow filter on the windshield. thanks.
- 2 years ago
Whatever "adaptation" feature that has been bungled does not just affect cockpit views. It may be worse there, but even bonnet view can be ruined by this effect at some stages/weather/etc.
- Unbreukable2 years agoRising Vanguard
Selecting Sweden in Winter season in the Afternoon with Partly Cloudy seems even more insanely bright compared to the Time Trial settings.
- 2 years ago
Same problem as everyone here. I think I just became a Ford man.
Looks like that's my interim solution for for this debacle
At least the ford sounds sweet imho
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