@Unbreukable wrote:
It is almost like the game adjusts the brightness outside of the car based on the inside of the car. The 'darker' the interior the darker the outside and if the interior is 'lighter' it "balances" the environment and it looks more bright.
Sort of the opposite. The car is acting like a darkened interior which your eyes have adapted to, so looking from there to the bright outside is blown out. Like you see in this video of a house+door opening where the effect is cranked way up. It's obviously not as extreme in action in WRC, but still strong enough to be a problem. The real issue is, this should sort of behavior should never be applied to cars with that many windows letting in that much ambient light in the first place.
When you step inside any car in the daytime in real life, looking out the windshield or windows doesn't magically brighten the world like you see in the game. It's just broken. Intense glare from stuff like from snow and ice is about the same whether you're inside a car or out. In the game, however, the exterior views are way more visible and less bright, not over-exposed at all. If anything, going inside should reduce the general brightness outside if there's any tint to the glass at all. Only a few cars seemed to have noticeable tinted windshields in the game like the Hyundai Hybrid with its visibly green tint, and that still ups the exposure and exterior brightness instead of reducing it.
The only place in the game currently where this behavior would make any sense is driving through the tunnel in Monte Carlo, but even that isn't really long and dark enough for your eyes to fully adapt to the darkness to be blinded by the light as you approach the exit, but it also doesn't do anything at all in the game. Whereas the cars themselves are basically acting as slightly darkened mobile tunnel with the brighter exit you can never reach. It's beyond messed up :O
I know it's probably a low priority for them, but it doesn't even seem to be on their radar at all after they said the fixed it in the last patch.