As posted in my own topic regarding new issues with the 2.1.6 update for some:
So I finished a new PC build yesterday, same parts, same memory, same install as my own system. Figured it was a good base to see if the problems also came up on the new PC, so logged in to steam, downloaded and installed wrc , and voila! No issues at all.
This means the update through steam, and or a fresh install on steam does not solve this issue(on my own PC: did the update, game stopped working,reinstalled wrc, still not working). a complete new windows install was needed with fresh memory and with new wrc install fixes my reported issues.
im no expert, but this sounds like a easy fix now for you guys at ea or codemaster.
one tip for you guys, release a new wrc25 expansion as a standalone game, seems like every tweak you make to the existing game only makes things worse for us.
Ofcourse this is not a solution, and a very disastrous work around to get this game working, luckily I only use this pc for simulation and a complete new reinstall is fast for me, but this is complete *, there was a other possible temporary solution posted in my own topic, which consist of unplugging all usb devices, start the game , and reconnect all devices after, have not tried this as the game is now working for me again. But I feel like next patch or dlc will definitely screw things up again.