Rendering quirks + other feedback
-Trees - Can you stop them from constantly changing shapes/morphing? Just let me use the low-quality renders and don't change their shape all the time, super distracting/annoying.
-Driver's Wheel - still low framerate, can this be smoothed out? Looks fine with ASW/Motion smoothing constantly on.
-Please add a separate CAS sharpening slider.
-I'm using a Valve Index and Quest 3 (with 3080ti)
-Quest 3 - Fixed Foveated rendering is occurring in the inner-eye and it reaches pretty far towards the center of the view, pretty annoying.
-Using FFR - sometimes it seems the car reflections "travel" left/right, but this may be due to using always-on spacewarp.
-Index - since it's lower resolution, Low/Med AA looks awful due to shimmering foliage. I can stomach it on Quest 3, but still not great. Is there a way to get rid of all of that noise/shimmering, or settings in the back end/engine.ini? TAA is too blurry/performance heavy, but with a nice sharpening slider/other settings it could be good (or just MSAA).
-FSR Upscaler - weird issue where moving my head makes everything over-sharpened until I keep my head still again.
-All of the upscalers are not working well. I know some games where people use UEVR can use DLSS well, but I don't think it's worth using any of them at this point.
-I'm sure it was mentioned, but the brightness levels on some tracks are way too high, but the .ini lensAttenuation setting really dulls the image...we need something that can tweak min/max brightness during daytime/nighttime, just like the Kegetys eye accommodation fix for DR 2.0.
Other items:
-Can you allow us to permanently start in VR instead of pressing "start in VR" button every time?
-Consider adding a "g-forces" camera setting like other sims, where you can tweak a bit of "artificial" camera movement to get in-between "lock to horizon" and "lock to car" settings.
-Still missing the VR Replays from DR1. It's way too fun watching "me" go by from the side of the road.
Love the feel of the game, but the visuals are a letdown and not immersive.