
GiorgiaMeIoni's avatar
Rising Novice
10 days ago

Account reset, nonexistent support

Let’s start from the beginning. In 2020, I played Apex and had over 300 hours of gameplay. At some point, I had to stop because someone tried to access my account. Although they failed, this triggered an account lock.

No apparent issue, as other companies use this kind of protection. Unfortunately, in 2020, I couldn’t submit a support ticket to EA: I was bounced from one place to another in an endless loop and never got a response from a human being. It was embarrassing; I’ve never received such poor support, not even from small indie game companies. Frustrated, I decided to stop playing the game, as the whole experience felt like a huge joke.

A few days ago, out of curiosity after all this time, I tried to give the game a second chance, and to my surprise, though still facing difficulties with support, I managed to regain access to my account.

Hooray! What a relief, I can finally log into my account again. I can't wait to play!

But no, EA has another surprise for me! My account has been completely reset. I no longer have any characters (in fact, I have fewer, as now Pathfinder, Gibraltar, etc. are unlocked through initial missions). I have no skins, currencies, or anything. It’s like a brand new account. So, I’m left wondering what the point was in regaining access.

Let’s open more tickets, then, and explain to EA what happened. The support asks me to try things like resetting the password, clearing the cache through the EA App, even reinstalling the game. Maybe the next suggestion will be “blow on it.” Then they brush me off with, “No worries, it’s just a server sync issue. From what I’ve checked, everything seems fine. Just wait, it will resolve soon.”

And that’s it. No further responses. Apparently, the solution is to just wait some more, but for how long exactly? Another 5 years? Is there a guideline for solving this kind of issue? Because looking on the internet, this doesn’t seem to be the first time something like this has happened. So how has it been resolved for other users? Why does Apex support seem to have no idea how to solve common issues and provides answers that even the lowest-paid call center operator could articulate better?

Thank you for your attention.


  • EA_Mako's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    9 days ago

    Hey GiorgiaMeIoni,

    Sorry to hear your account recovery hasn't gone as you'd hoped. 

    Usually if your progress has been lost in Apex, it's due to a platform unlink at some point. Did you play on any other platforms or just PC? In some cases you can re-link the original platform and EA account, but that really would be the only troubleshooting step to actually try.

    Password resets, reinstalling the game, or clearing the EA app cache wouldn't affect things here as that progress is not stored locally, with sadly no old-school cartridges to blow on here 😌

    Unfortunately however, that also wouldn't just be a server issue you just have to wait out. What you're seeing would be the content available on this EA account, though if this was disabled for a few years even before our Cross Progression account update back in 2023 and nothing had carried over as a result, I'm afraid that's not something we'd be able to verify or manually change at this point.

    Whether you link another platform here to play Apex or just play on PC, you'll now have your progress shared as long as you're using this account. We wouldn't have any other way to restore or add content that's not appearing here however.

  • EA_Makothank you for the answer.
    I used to play on Origin and on PC only, which I think is the same platform as EA app nowadays. So I don't think it has to do with linking anything to the account, I never played on console. Also I did already check connections before, I think I kinda checked every possible solution online.
    How can 0 be the content available on a 300+ hours account (proof attached)? :D
    Also if the account was disabled the fault is not mine, because I couldn't play on it because it was blocked by EA policy and even when I tried to get help to unlock there was no answer from them, which was unfortunately the only way.

  • EA_Mari's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    8 days ago

    Hey there, 

    The reason your account didnt get the merge, is due the active ban (after the compromise) durying the Cross Progression phase. Plese refer to:

    • If one of your platform accounts was previously banned, content from that account won’t have transferred in the Cross Progression merge.

    That being said and without any promises considering that all accounts that had to go through Cross Progression are now merged, I am reaching out to the team to see if theres anything we can do in your situation. 

    As soon as I hear back from them, I will let you know. 

  • GiorgiaMeIoni's avatar
    Rising Novice
    8 days ago

    Guessed so, the point is, as I said, I tried to contest the ban (block actually), but EA did never respond. And I can even give proof of this, I can even give you the ticket number of my report and the fact I never got answers.

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