
Aldebera's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
6 days ago

Game Unplayable on Switch

I don’t know why I’m doing this. I bought into the hype that Season 24 had fixed a lot of issues.   Boy was I wrong.  Mods, I really need this to be taken seriously, and please don’t respond with your copy and pasted scripted response. 

what I have done within the past 7 days:

new router and service integrity confirmed by ISP. 

Reinitialized my console and downloaded latest version of apex. 

rebooted modem countless times. 
replaced Ethernet adapter and cable. 

tried alternate console. 
tried mine and alternate console at a different location. 

the issue:

constant crashing  and here are the scenarios:

load into lobby and within 2 minutes without fail, crash back to main splash screen. Usually getting code:wheel, code:cloud, code:net. 

manage to get into a match. Get to the player count screen, and 70% of the time, game freezes solid. I have to force quit the game. On return, I get a code:snake on top of the codes as described above and I get an abandonment penalty usually. 

manage to get into a game and be able to play only to have the game crash midway through and cannot rejoin “forfeited match” and get another abandonment penalty usually. 
If I can rejoin, my character is not visible to me and I lose any ASD capability.  

my relevant specs:

Nintendo Switch. 
Ethernet connection. 
gigabit fibre optic 

tried all data centres. Normally use the Oregon servers. 

this is happening on all game modes including firing range and bot royale. 

game is unplayable and became worse after trying all EA scripted “troubleshooting “ and the steps noted above. 

first reported these types of crashes during S21 and it has gotten progressively worse. In 2 hours, I consider myself lucky to be able to complete one match.  Many other switch users have posted about this and talking about it on Discord. 

ready to uninstall again. 


  • Aldebera's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 days ago

    4 days and no acknowledgment. Stellar service EA. Sure makes me want to spend money… 

  • Tkog-YT21's avatar
    New Spectator
    5 days ago

    Glad im not the only one screaming at the wall that is EA to fix the switch port

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