I have been completing a future stars lewis hall. I completed the objective to enable the 8 playstyles and completed them one by one. I then unlocked an extra option to apply 2 playstyles, block a...
Future Stars Evo Issue
5 days agoRising Rookie
Respectfully, BillyV81
- The Future Stars Academy Evolutions were all in a separate objective group from those that are not for FS Academy cards. The ones that are "breaking" this evo chain are part of the "Future Stars Play" group, i.e. totally different. They're also split into an entirely separate tab (Scout Report).
- Blocking the evolution from other groups is something they put into the evo requirements, some of which were released prior to this promo, so this would be something brand new in copying the goalkeeper position restriction and there's no guarantee this was possible. It also removes the freedom of people to use existing evos, like Sharp Shooter, if they so wish. Some people would prefer this to grinding out the FS evo chain (unlocking then adding all PS alone takes 9 games).
- Card type requirements for all of these evos, and the resultant card types for all evos, are highlighted before you confirm any evo.
Everyone keeps saying its not intuitive at all... I have to disagree. Yes it's possible to make the mistake, especially when you unlock 2 different 4* weak-foot evolutions for different things, but it's somewhat common sense that the card type HAD to be unique for this evo chain, and it is very clear these new evolutions wouldn't maintain that card type... especially when the evos you would have completed before now ALL:
- gave you a FS Academy Evo card type
- came from the same evo group
- specified the FS Academy Evo card type as a requirement
It would be great for everyone who's made these errors to be able to correct it, but I doubt this will happen. Plus, the number of people affected and posting on this forum makes it sound extremely common, but it is a very small number compared to the total number of people who actually play FUT. I would put money on a lot of these posts also being from people who just weren't paying attention and, instead of taking accountability and saying "i should've thought about what i was doing", they're jumping on here blaming EA for not doing enough when, in reality, they did do quite a lot to mitigate against this. It's much the same as someone doing an SBC using the squad builder, accidentally submitting their top 11 cards and then complaining "it didn't warn me i was submitting different cards to the last squad builder I did" when all 11 of them appear on screen and it asks "are you sure?" when you go to submit. Extra warnings are always useful and could have been implemented, but short of literally just giving you the end result, someone would still make mistakes and blame EA for it.
Look on the plus side - it probably won't take too long for them to release an evo chain that makes your existing Lewis-Hall card even better than the FS one (though maybe not with Icon chem...)
5 days agoSeasoned Novice
Respectfully, you make some valid points although I disagree with the majority of what you said.
No one isn't taking ownership it's just very disappointing to miss out and more could be done to avoid it. I agree the overall percentage of people who've made this mistake is probably low due to how many people play the game. Although not everyone who's made the mistake is going to post on here. Just because the overall percentage is low it's still an issue. If there was a large sink hole in a road but most people noticed it and drove round it but only a few fell in, still would be worth fixing the hole or trying to avoid what caused it on the first place.
It would just be very easy to make it much more difficult to make this mistake. Especially when it's one of the best evolutions they've done.
I'm sure you haven't made the same mistake so it's very easy to blame us who have and say we should have known and it's totally obvious but your example of the two weak foot evos is a very good one and it's not obvious to everyone that this would block you from the rest of the evos.
Just need a better warning. One thing you are definitely right about is nothing will be done about it. It took the share price plummeting for them to bother to fix the gameplay. The game is much better now but why does it take this long. With the money and resources they have and the amount people are spending.
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