Playing with Bayern München in Live-Startpoints I played a really good season and had a great time. Until.. I realized the whole season I hadn’t played any champions league games at all. I thought it was a simple glitch and thought nothing of it, thinking it would fix itself for the next season. Fact is, it did not. I had to quit the whole save as it felt pointless playing without the uefa competitions. Tried making a new save on live start points and the same thing continued. Please fix this bug EA as it is truly destroying any experience in career mode. I specifically bought this game for the live start points, but it continues to disappoint with all the bugs it has. Another bug to mention which haven’t been fixed since the live start points were introduced is that the player ratings from games are messed up. All players finish the season with around 2.5 avg. performance ratings. This is because they start with 0 avg. performance points when they have played like 30+ games already. Please please fix this too!
No Champions League games in career mode
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- ardani197518 days agoNew Spectator
Same like me, i just realize start live point in february play for 10 matchs and no champions league. **bleep** this game, pay for disappointing game
- sagaraSs18 days agoNew Spectator
same for me, please fix this ea!
- Tenz_Rangdol15 days agoNew Spectator
For real same here! No ucl or uel matches in manager career
- Tenz_Rangdol15 days agoNew Spectator
And why the players begin with 0 rating in live point. My player will 30+ goals season with 1,3 rating. Its messed up at this point
- ws_47614 days agoNew Spectator
Same here, so frustrating
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