I've played 3 consecutive games (1 Champs and 2 Rivals) and after each game has ended (2 wins and 1 loss) I get an error to say the server cannot handle the request and I get kicked out of ultimate team. When I go back into ultimate team I then get a DNF message advising I've disconnected from the game.
Rivals and Champs crash after game ends
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- HoneysBooBoo7 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same issue in Clubs game mode with friends. Lost so many points because of this Cba more.....
- Aaron_11786 days agoNew Spectator
Same thing is happening to me since around 7hrs ago. I was doing objectives fine until of course I wasn’t. Never had this issue before but done all the usual fixes but none work.
decided to leave it and have a sleep, woke up and still the same.
- Sameffine5 days agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same just happed to me right now. What's the resolution on this?
- Yyhgtghhhg4 days agoRising Newcomer
Im having the same issue on the new cup, I have won 3 games and been kicked out after the game was over and it's counted as a loss
- FazeJarvisIsGood3 days agoNew Spectator
Same here I was in the new fantasy leauge and I was winning 4-1 but got kicked out at the end and it didn’t count so now I probably won’t get Maicon
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