
Nickeclan's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
28 days ago

getting kicked from a 3s game

Almost every 3s game I load into I unexpectedly crash out and get sent to the main game lobby. This has been happening to me since the beginning of the game in October. I'm the only person in my squad that this ever affects. My wifi connection is fine and this happens every day that I play this game.

All THREE video clips included are from the same day December 6th 2024. As you can see I have 13ms - 17ms ping and I should not be disconnecting


We also matched the same team twice and gave them two free wins because if this

My team also should not be docked with a loss and the other team with a win. The amount of game time lost from this is insane and disappointing

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    HI there. Are you able to play on a different account without error? Normally, I see someone getting either a failed to retrieve data or game configuration error in this situation. Interesting yours is the unexpected error.

  • Nickeclan's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    No. Haven't tried that yet. it just gets frustrating when my EASHL team is consistently getting docked with a loss because I'm disconnecting from the game for no reason. It also seems that I have this issue more in the evenings

    • EA_Aljo's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      Hi there. Disconnects are normally caused by an issue with your connection. Are you playing on a wireless connection or are you wired?

      • Nickeclan's avatar
        Seasoned Newcomer

         I'm playing on a wireless connection but also have the same issue when wired. When I have connection issues I get disconnected from the EA servers not whats happening

  • Nickeclan's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Can anything be done? This is getting insanely annoying, and I've been playing NHL games since I was 5. I don't know what to do unless there's a way to save my stats and leave the team. As well as severely affecting my team's rank and my own. Especially in Club Finals.

    Do I need to re-download the game on my PS5 console or will that affect my team stats as well?

    • EA_Aljo's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      Have you tried playing on a different account? So far, that is the only option when leaving the club doesn't help

      • Chado303's avatar
        New Spectator

        Hello, I have been having the same problem. Im on the series X, how would I play on another acct without buying the game again. 

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