[BH] Several classes/lectures don't work
List of affected Classes:
- Fabrication
List of affected Lectures:
- Fabrication
- Robotics
- Research and Debate
I tried to start a Fabrication class using the whiteboard, and I noticed that my customers were not using the objects around, and I was only able to teach Rocket Science at the whiteboard after launching it.
It's a pretty easy to see the issue when I look at the tuning: the interaction to start the class launches a Rocket Science class situation instead for the instructor.
There is also an other issue while trying to hold a Fabrication Lecture, that I tested with no other mod installed other than the Better Exception: the interaction that is used to make sims join the class causes an issue (the issue is thrown every time a Sim joins the class):
Exception during call to test method on <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.simPicker_HobbyClass_Whiteboard_LectureFor_Fabrication'> (AttributeError: 'SimInfo' object has no attribute 'is_part')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 222, in c_api_server_tick
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 529, in update
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster_service.py", line 560, in update
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster_service.py", line 634, in _update
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster.py", line 545, in apply_broadcaster_effect
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster_effect.py", line 104, in apply_broadcaster_effect
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster_effect.py", line 569, in _apply_broadcaster_effect
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\broadcasters\broadcaster_effect.py", line 555, in _select_and_push_affordance
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim.py", line 4148, in push_super_affordance
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\aop.py", line 237, in test_and_execute
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\aop.py", line 166, in test
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\interaction.py", line 2919, in test
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\tests.py", line 767, in run_tests
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py", line 147, in __call__
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\caches.py", line 296, in wrapper
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\object_tests.py", line 1574, in __call__
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\components\__init__.py", line 202, in __getattr__
AttributeError: 'SimInfo' object has no attribute 'is_part'rtim=0
Client Session Time: 39.70 Num Save Errors: 0 Num Load Errors: 0 Current Game State: 0x96d01090 LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1 Origin Version: 10,5,96,47512 Modded: True SystemInfo: Windows 11 10.0.26100 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU, GUID: 49E2F77F-BCD1-11EF-90AF-A695C4C6CAA4
I don't have this issue with other classes, so I don't know what is different here. Tested on multiple lots.
I found the cause: contrary to other hobbies classes broadcasters, the one from the fabrication class uses the "imPicker_HobbyClass_Whiteboard_LectureFor_Fabrication" interaction instead of the "sI_HobbyClass_ListenToLecture_Fabrication" interaction. So it's also a quick fix 🤩
Edit By Crinrict: Added pack tag to title.