
Down-in-Simsland's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
4 days ago

[BH] Shimmer by QWIRL lamp has a wrong footprint

The Shimmer by QWIRL lamp from Business & Hobbies seems to have a wrong footprint: even if it's small, placing it on a table make it impossible for Sims to eat there, as the lamp seems to take-up all the room. It can be seen when placing the object (compared to a similar lamp from Lovestruck that doesn't block Sims from using the table):

Shimmer by QWIRL lamp from Business & Hobbies

Modernized Mushroom Lamp from Lovestruck

I haven't seen a collection thread for this kind of issues, so I'm posting a separate topic.

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Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 23 days ago