
Carmiu's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
16 days ago
Under Investigation

[BH] Sims entering closed business/won't leave

Random sim spawns on closing business and walks into the apartment above with no option to make them leave

(Version DX11)

Basically every single day i close my business in the new expansion, a random sim spawns (right after closing usually!) and sprints into my apartment located above the business. 

Locking the door does nothing, even locking for everyone. They walk into the house and use the firdge to eat my food instantly almost every time. Removing the doors to the apartment makes them just idle inside the closed business. The moment the doors are placed they sprint inside.

They dont have the option to "send home". I cannot make them leave.

The workaround for now is to reload the game. But this happens 100% of the time, every day i close my business. So its extremely annoying having to full reload the game every single in game day. If relevant, the sim owning the business also has a fulltime job as an artist with Patron of the Arts Branch. The bug wasn’t happening from the start, maybe after the business was 2-3  stars?

No amounts of gates/doors helps. Setting apartment as employee only doesnt help. the only solution is removing the doors, they have access to walk into anything they want no matter the restrictions.

No mods are installed.

Owned dlcs are:

BH, GrowingTogether, CL, RoM, Parenthood, Crystal Creations, Nifty Knitting, Laundry day, Mordern Luxe, 

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title


  • gertie47's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    11 days ago

    So far, I have only had this happen with werewolves sticking around after I close my small business. Lou stuck around all night the first time, had to travel the next day with him to get rid of him, and now Rory has done the same thing. 

  • Symbolicsims's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    9 days ago

    Lou Howell is legit helping my sim raise this baby because he won't leave but he doesn't even like her! He won't leave, I even used MCCC and that didn't work either.

  • I am experiencing the same problem, but only with werewolf customers.  They only enter the residential part of the lot if the doors are not locked.

    Theres no option in the pie menu to 'send home'. Only thing that seems to work for now is travel with them to another lot. 

    It also doesn't matter if i interact with the sim or not and eventually they'll die on the lot.

  • DarkSimzzz's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    8 days ago

    I'm having this issue ( among many others) as well.  The customers just show up in the residential part, even with all the doors locked. And there is no way to get them to leave. They bake white cakes and eat my food. Very annoying. No mods or CC. Already deleted the cache and repaired the game. on PC.

  • sundikhin's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 days ago

    I am also seeing this behavior. When the business closes, sims will suddenly enter the spaces marked as "residential". At first, they were using my sims home to spawn away from the business. In the last few hours of playing this Save however, they're staying in the house, sleeping in beds, eating food, etc. When the business is open, they respect the boundaries set in build mode. They only enter the space when the business closes.

    I would like to note that I have no werewolves visiting my business; these are all townies like Gunther Munch and Xochitl Luna.

  • twistedstitch's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    7 days ago

    I am also having problems with werewolves not leaving and then entering residential areas but I did find a workaround using MCCC:

    MCCC>Self Command>Main Interactions>Go Home

    That has worked for me where the "Make Sim Leave" under MC Cheats does nothing in this situation.

  • JDLgnd's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    7 days ago

    I experienced the same problem had a celebrity NPC come in and stay and when I was outside chatting with 2 other NPC's I clicked the Send Everyone Home option the 2 NPC's outside went home but the celebrity NPC intruder wouldn't leave.  I thought it was cause I voted for the NAP Foodies Unite I'm still not sure if that played a factor I never had this problem till the NAP Foodies Unite was voted in and the celebrity NPC intruder did bake a white cake. 

  • Having this problem with an owned residential small business. When business is open, sims enter, buy coffees etc, but once the business is closed they remain inside the business and just stand around chatting, brawling, etc. No option exists to ask them to leave. I have disabled mods and received no change. Even changing the areas of the business to "employees only" does not cause the sims inside to leave. Tried restarting game, selling small business, bulldozing, etc. Nothing has fixed this problem. 

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