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- abbismom12148 days agoNew Spectator
That's the issue I'm having, I also play with mods.
- abbismom12148 days agoNew Spectator
I turned off my mods and still have issues, figured I'd at least give it a shot.
- megalush238 days agoNew Novice
Have the same problem it’s driving me nuts have level 10 tattooing and tattoos are still locked.
- AdoraJuliet8 days agoRising Novice
Have the community get back to you? Will they do anything about it? Please let me know if it's fixed.
- abbismom12148 days agoNew Spectator
I did too, the issue persists.
- MISSALIJ15 hours agoNew Spectator
Im also having this issue its ruining the pack for me
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