Could you describe a bit more what you are seeing with the bikes ? Are those NPCs leaving them all over the place or your active Sim ?
For the festivals please use this thread: Overlapping festivals | EA Forums - 4969029
Litter currently only has a thread at AHQ: San Myshuno full of Litter
That said, the issues are probably connected.
Did you build any residential rentals in Brichester (although Dorms might also cause the issues)
Hi Crinrict
No, no residential in Britechester. It's NPcs and my played, but not current household sims.
They leave them everywhere, not just Britechester. Mainly at exit points when travelling to other worlds. The frustrating thing about everything that is left is you cannot interact with any of it to destroy, remove them. I have ridden bikes to lots to delete before, used spell casters, set as head and walked to a lot etc.
Same with the festivals, the only other strange thing is if I arrive at any lot, say for instance thrift tea, all the events pop up once. Even if it's not time.