Completely new to this, so don't fully understand how any of this bug reports works. Basically, Sulani's fishing spots isn't working. If I try to fish with bait, my sim swims to the middle of the ocean. If I try to fish like normal, my sim says it can't reach it. Every other world I can fish just fine. It's just Sulani seems to be broken. I don't know if it's because I'm on Xbox, or if this is a issue on other systems that run the Sims 4.
Can't fish in Sulani
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- corekit77097 months agoNew Traveler
I also cannot fish in Sulani, it is very confusing. I can fish in other areas but Sulani seems broken.
- corekit77097 months agoNew Traveler
I am currently making sure it's not my mods, but so far I kind of doubt it.
- corekit77097 months agoNew Traveler
Okay so I removed all my mods, and even started a new world, and fishing in Sulani is still broken. So this is likely an issue due to one of the recent updates in my opinion.
- dee156447 months agoRising Adventurer
PC too
- dee156447 months agoRising Adventurer
It's not mods I don't have any
- crinrict7 months agoHero+
Me too this: [OPEN] [IL] Signed Fishing Spots Not Working
- crawler12187 months agoSeasoned Rookie
Try to fish in Silent today. Not happening. First off I tried to swim there and that shouldn't happen. Then my SIM act like something is blocking it. You get one bug fix(travel bug) and another pops up
- crinrict6 months agoHero+Status changed:NewtoDuplicate
This bug already has a thread.
Please use either of these going forward and if you haven't make sure to upvote/me too the threads
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