
Deattefox66's avatar
Seasoned Novice
7 months ago
Under Investigation

[CD] Vet clinic: Can't raise star rating

The vet clinic rating system is bugged, it has to be. I have followed endless instructions about how to achieve 5-star rating from the patrons, but to no avail. In fact, some of the hints had the opposite effect. You shouldn't have to jump through all those hoops to begin with. From start to finish, I allow the customer to "compliment the decor" (I still get the "ambiance" criticism on the review page; not sure what else I can do), then I greet them warmly. The customer will compliment that "I'm good with pets" and almost immediately they will state the "wait times are impressive." Before I start my exam, I use the relaxation serum to keep the pet calm throughout the exam (or surgery). After I exam and diagnose, the customer is "impressed with the prices" and I "call a good pet" right after billing. I've tried doing it before as well, but it didn't make a difference. According to multiple sources, the procedure I mention should have had the customer at 4-stars before the pet is even on the examination table. This is not the case for me. My price markup is 75% and I use premium supplies. I have one employee for cleanup and making treats/serum; I also have 2 robot vacuums set on auto clean every 3 hours. I'm at my wits end with this. It's not a game breaking bug but has been a problem for years. Any and all advice is welcome, but I have a hard time believing it's not a bug. If it's NOT a bug, this is WAY too difficult and frustrating.

I'm currently sitting at 4-stars with 1,067 reviews.


Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


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