- achromaticlauraNew Spectator
I've been having a similar issue since the update. A lot of the error codes for me, seems to come from trying to travel to and around Britechester's community lots and Foxbury University. My Sim was living in a house in Britechester and can't attend her society events or even go to Foxbury commons without the error code popping up. Very annoying. 😒
- milliondollaogNew Spectator
Same exact thing is happening to me. Has anyone found a solution?
- BarNCullRising Spectator
Possible work around. I had this same problem. What worked for me was to go to the lot in build mode and save it then bulldoze and replace with the saved lot. After I did this with the lots I couldn't travel to in Britechester it seemed to fix the problem and I as able to travel to them with no issues. I did it with Pepper's Pub, Larry's Lagoon and Laurel Library. Now I have no issues travelling there.
- BarNCullRising Spectator
This also worked for me with the Bubble Tea & Thrift Shop.
- planetgirl32Seasoned Newcomer
my chashes at the menu
- Serenity420New Spectator
yep, won't even load into the game without telling me to relaunch and does it again when you do relaunch.. over and over again
- SheriSimRising Vanguard
There is a known bug, where loading into any lot with events, such as bubble tea, lounges with events, karaoke with talent show etc, is causing travel issues. You should me too the bugs if you have experienced them. People who don’t use mods or CC are experiencing them too.
- YorksRobNew Adventurer
I would me too if i could actually see the button to do it
- YorksRobNew Adventurer
I have also found since the latest town Cuidad Whatever , that you can click on the bus stops around town and use them to travel , however travelling to anywhere from them , half the time it spits out the error code when it tries to load the destination and the other half the time if you then try to travel from the destination to anywhere else it then spits out the error code , the only way then is to swap to another played family that knows the sim and call them over that way to get them out of the lot that caused the error .
It even one time told me the lot i tried to go to was incomplete (the lounge that came with the Lovestruck town ) but when i went into build buy all necessary items were ticked . Came out of build / buy and it no longer said incomplete but still wouldn't let me play that sim until i had got them out of that lot
- gabcresciniNew Spectator
Me too. How do we fix it?
- BarNCullRising Spectator
Possible work around for 123...Error codes. I couldn't travel to Larry's Lagoon, Laurel Library, Pepper's Pub or Bubble Tea & Thrift Shop. What fixed the problem for me was to go to each of those lots in Build mode and save the lot to my library then bulldoze it and replace it with the saved lot. After this I had no more issues travelling to these lots.
- crawler1218Seasoned Novice
I got the same thing. And the loading into the game taking forever. And it crashes. Both pc and laptop.
- JoAnneJo30Seasoned Novice
I'm getting error codes too. The first happened when I tried to travel to prom. Then I realized that I can't ask anyone to prom, nor am I actually able to go to prom. Also, I can't ask my sims to become partners (a.k.a. boyfriend/girlfriend).
- harashta2012New Spectator
After starting a new game, when I thought everything had worked itself out, my CAS was just a black screen.. Not even any icons. Are they related? Is there anyone who can help?
- WaywardBeeNew Spectator
I've been having the issue too with and without mods active. I still had the error message when I reloaded the game. The workaround I found was loading into a different household in the save I want to play, inviting the sim I want to play over, and then shift-clicking on them to go into CAS. I don't change anything and select the check mark, transferring me to the sim I want to play. Then I'm able to travel to whatever lots I want to go to. I've had to do it multiple times. Very annoying.