Hello everyone! I updated the game yesterday and I can't download new lots and families due to "EA.Sims4.Network.TrayBlueprintMetadata class doesn't have dynamicAreas nor dynamic_areas key". Does an...
Error in online gallery
3 days agoHero+
what platform are you guys on ? Any mods/cc ?
2 days agoNew Rookie
Hey Crinrict. I'm also on PC and was also referencing the EA website gallery version. Older downloads were also working fine, just tattoos and builds/sims using the latest pack. The ingame gallery is working fine for me.
- 2 days ago
In such case shall we wait for a gallery renewal ?
- crinrict2 days agoHero+
Do you have an example of something not working for you ? What browser are you using.
Did you delete browser cache ?
I checked online gallery and also have no issues adding something to my downloads from there.
- DragonOfWales2 days agoNew Rookie
I tested it yesterday with Firefox,Opera and Librewolf before trying it ingame. None of the 3 browsers worked but the ingame downloads were fine. Oddly enough when I tested now to grab a screenshot it seems to be working fine. Ingame is working too. Seems to be either starting the game or shutting down the PC fixed it. Maybe some kind of desync with the servers or something on my end
- crinrict16 hours agoHero+
Hi DragonOfWales maybe some cache thing that was still active.
giqwdl2wn78z what browser are you using ? Could you try clearing your cache ?
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