
8356f1a4b9fcae74's avatar
New Spectator
30 days ago

Family Line Disappeared

Hey everyone, I was playing on one of my saves, and editing some sims and lots. I was going to switch over to another family (I have multiple that I play often), and the weirdest thing happened. I noticed that one of my families was just gone, like first generation and their children, however, some of their kids are married and living other places. But their spouses and kids are still there, just not the people who come from this certain family.

I tried to go back on the saves already, but I just realized it today, and have never had anything like this happen so I didn't even know to backup the saves. Any clue how this happened or any advice on how to get them back? Also, nothing else weird happened, no one else was deleted, just that one family.


The Kealoha family is the one that disappeared, so the woman's husband, and his younger brother, and parents. Also, the Allender family, it was the wife (which was the oldest daughter of the Kealoha family). But like I said, it was just that family, not their spouses or children or any other family. But they still show on the family tree, but without their family...


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  • Is this with or without mods/cc ?

    Please always add a tag for your platform and mod status (Options are: CC, Mods, No Mods/CC, Mods/CC Removed).

  • I do use mods yes, but I disabled them to see if it would change anything before I took those photos.

  • crinrict's avatar
    30 days ago

    Did you remove them before or after the Sims disappeared ?

    If it was after, do you have a backup from before you could try again on ?

  • I disabled them after the sims disappeared. Like I said in the post, I have never had anything like this happen in all the years I have played the sims. So, I didn't even really know to backup the files. I have also been majorly revamping my worlds, adding new sims, adding new buildings, and editing sims so I have been saving like crazy just to make sure I don't loose any progress. I may have one, but I am not entirely sure if I do or not since I would be on a terabyte (it was when I transferred over saves from a previous computer, which was months ago, so I don't know how far back the save is)

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 days ago
    Status changed:

    Closing thread as no new information or reports have been provided. 

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