7 months agoNew Spectator
Getting error code when trying to go an event from Britechester
Since the update I've encountered numerous bugs, just like everyone else. This is one i saw a few others have encountered as well, all from different actions though.
I use no mods, so this can't be blamed on that.
How I got the bug:
- Have a sim in university, living in Britechester in a dorm (Not sure if that has anything to do with it).
- Got the bug when clicking on the calendar and choosing to go to a talent competition from the calendar. (Also got the bug once earlier when trying to go to the university art society's bar night from the organizations tab. Since encountering the bug that event stopped appearing and the art society only has the figure painting event, so that's another bug)
- Following the instructions and restarting the game does not fix the bug. The household is unplayable when encountering this bug. Trying to play with that household will only result in the bug pop-up.
- The bug CAN be fixed by switching to another household (and saving? i at least do that every time to be safe) then going to manage worlds and choosing the bugged out household and it should work as normal, with the exception of the event being deleted for some reason.
Attached picture of error code (game language is Swedish).