I just bought cottage living and island living with hopes to do an off-the-grid Simple living survival challenge on the separate island in Sulani. My sim was going to knit their own clothes, start with 0 simoleans and essentially never leave the island no matter what. However, the fishing spot on the island didn’t work. No matter how many times I queued the fishing interaction, my sim started waving their arms and saying they couldn’t go there! I also tried to place a debug one and that still didn’t work?! Hello?! I just finished a long day of work and was looking forward to starting this challenge and using Cottage and Island living for the first time! I did some research to see if anyone else had the same problem. Apparently this has been happening since the new update… WHICH WAS TWO WEEKS AGO! PLEASE FIX THIS! I spent a bunch of money and now I feel discouraged to played the sims cause it’s broken!
- simmerLella7 months agoSeasoned Ace
I just moved a household to the spot next to the volcano and both fishing spots in the neighborhood won't work! I'm doing a very similar challenge and I have one fisher sim and he can't feed his family anymore!!!
- crinrict7 months agoHero+
- YorksRob7 months agoSeasoned Ace
Me too
- dzidzia19897 months agoSeasoned Traveler
I also can't fish in Sulani. I play without any mods. So it's not the mods fault but the game.
- Sketch7937 months agoSeasoned Ace
If you want to continue your challenge of never leaving the island, there are some other things you can do to earn money without any equipment. For instance, you could look for seashells and then sell them.
I would recommend gardening, for both money and food, except that I don't think there are any plants growing on the garden. You might want to buy a garden pot and use it to buy some seeds as soon as you can afford them.
- SimpleSaro7 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Me too
- Cashew2727 months agoNew Spectator
Thanks, I will definitely try to look for sea shells. ( I didnt know you could do that! ) And I will definitely be growing a garden because I also gave my sim’s lot the simple living challenge!
- JenLann7 months agoNew Spectator
I'm having the same problem last month I could fish in sulani now i can
- Skywilson107 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
I know you don't wanna have them leave the island but you can still fish from boats in sulani, there should be a random boat around the world near the island. You could use that if you really want to fish?
- GoGirlGamer3207 months agoNew Spectator
That's crazy because I am having the EXACT same issue. Also have a "homeless" sim trying to live completely off the island and I cannot fish. I'm living on the lot near the volcano and both fishing spots won't work. Hopefully they resolve this soon