
techno_simka's avatar
Rising Spectator
8 months ago

Issue After Recent Update – The game failed to load. Error Code


Since the recent update, I’ve encountered the following issue: 

  • I have tried reloading the game.
  • I have reinstalled the add-on, as the problem occurs while traveling to lots from the "Discover University" pack.
  • I have clicked on "Repair" in the app.

However, none of these steps have resolved the issue. Could you please advise on how to fix it?

Thank you.


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  • I am currently experiencing the same issue. I reinstalled, repaired and pretty much did everything I could. It's still stuck and the help service is out of reach. Please let me know in case of any updates.

  • baebae90's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    Same Here!! I just encountered this error tonight when my sim tried to travel to Thriftea!! I used to the phone to travel, the load screen came up, then I picked Thriftea in Copperdale. After this, a load screen came up, but it went right back to the world menu and that's when the error popped up. After clicking okay, I was still in the world menu, but was no longer traveling with my sim.

    I tried one more time, but the same thing happened. So I shut down the game, loaded back in using "load game" instead of "resume". This time, I played a different household and traveled to a residential lot instead of a community lot, and it worked just fine!

    About an hour or so before I got the error, I had traveled with the same sim to one of the karaoke bars in San Myshuno without an issue. Brought her back home, the next day tried going to thriftea and got the error. I haven't tried again because I'm scared it'll corrupt my save.

    Though it sucks this is happening to all of us, at least I know I'm not alone! If we keep posting about it, maybe they'll fix it ASAP!

  • morganxdg's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    This issue was actually fixed for me after the latest update! Are you still having the issue after updating? 😭

  • baebae90's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    Omg really?! 😲 Yes, it's still happening after the update! I have Lovestruck and the recent update. I also only started modding my game after the release of Lovestruck and the update. For every mod, I checked Scarlet's Realm before downloading. Everything is up to date, yet I'm still having the issue. 😭😭

  • morganxdg's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    Dang! My best suggestion would be to remove all mods/CC and load the game vanilla. If the issue keeps happening after that then it is def EA & not the mods, or vice versa if it stopped after mods are removed. 🥲

  • baebae90's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    I wish I had gotten a screenshot the last time it happened. I know it started with 123, but don't know about the rest. I played yesterday and didn't have the issue. But I traveled to the library next to Thriftea, then clicked on the Thriftea lot to visit it, and it worked. I didn't get the error that time.

    I still haven't tried traveling directly to the lot via the world menu again. Another weird thing happening is with the destination worlds. It says that one of those worlds (I don't know which one) is unusable due to it not having any rental lots available, but there are rental lots. I haven't changed anything about those worlds. So I thought that was pretty weird.

    I'll try to get a screenshot of the error next time it happens, though! Thanks for trying to help me! 

  • baebae90's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    7 months ago

    Thanks for the link! I'll try those suggestions next time I play!

  • Status changed:

    Most 123 Errors have been fixed.

    If you still experience this error code, please create a new thread.

    Make sure to post the first two parts of the number. They are relevant to distinguish between issues.

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