
Simsdeelicious's avatar
Seasoned Vanguard
16 days ago
Under Investigation

[NKSP] [BH] Mentor knitting not showing up while teaching class

I hosted a class with the new pack and one of the tasks told me to mentor a sim for 30 minutes. Except there's no "mentor" option when a sim is knitting.

The option "teach to knit" is from nifty knitting, but it doesn't count.

Edit By Crinrict: Added pack tag to title. It would greatly help if add pack tags yourself + provide all the thread tags, especially for mod usage.


  • Megahue's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    11 days ago

    I have the same problem. I can't find the option to mentor those that attend the classes.

  • I have the same problem. My sim cannot mentor cross stitching, either.

  • Same issue. No mentoring option for my Sims for knitting. Playing on PS5 so no mods or cc.

  • LadyLesbians's avatar
    New Novice
    10 days ago

    Ive been running a crafts shop and hosting knitting classes but Ive never seen the mentor knitting action show up. Theres offer to be a mentor (which is accepted only half of the time and even then they dont start the mentoring) and clicking on a yarn bag you can only knit yourself or ask for mentoring from someone else. I've had to just choose teach to knit and then cheated that specific task with ui cheats to complete the class. 

    I thought it was overlooked bc for knitting you need to have the yarn bag in your inventory to start the action instead of clicking on it when its placed down so you cant do it rn but since youve gotten it to pop up i dont know what the problem is.

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