I had turned off my PlayStation and/or put it on rest mode and then next morning I tried to play sims my sims spouse had turned into his brother. I don’t want this to happen I wanted them to be spouses not brothers what’s going on with this?
Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ
did you manage to resolve this issue because i've been doing a generation game and my matriarchs (with no prior relationships) keep refusing to woohoo because they have the sister trait despite them not being sisters.
This has happened to me too, but on PC! No matter what I do it always becomes an issue all over again. My sim's wife will become her sister and then they can no longer have romance interactions. I've seen mixed reports on the issue, ranging from those who think it's base game related to mod related... Personally, it's been a problem for me ever since I accidentally made them sisters through MCCC by clicking the wrong relationship bit. I've tried fixing it through cheating the relationship bits, deleting the sim and adding her back from the gallery, clearing her relationships and starting over on everything, and even trying to use cas.fulleditmode. None of this works, it always reverts again. It's on my one and only legacy save and I've read that others have the issue come back either when they go into CAS or after their sim sleeps through the night. :( This is a really bad game breaking bug, and removing MCCC doesn't help fix it either.
I just had this come up in my game (PC) *Seems to have happened after I entered CAS when their science baby twins aged up to toddlers.
First generation Sim I created in CAS, married a townie.
I am having other issues as well, romantic relationship bar between married Sims going to zero very fast. Trash everywhere it looks like the trash overload event but without the event (no Sims are slobs, no lot traits/challenges, multiple trash bins and a dumpster on the lot) I see Sims empty the trash bin but it builds up so fast.
This literally happened to me this morning. I played on PC and my legacy sim’s romantic partners are now their sister and brother. The only mod i have is MCCC. I’m shocked that there’s no fix for this, as when I looked it up, people haven’t been able to find a fix for over 10 years now.
Same problem here too, and I'm on Xbox so no mods to cause this. Pregnant looking children, sibling spouses, friggin stop! As someone who is a victim of molestation I can't with this BS. This is game breaking and PTSD activating EA. About to go sink my money on Inzoi on my PC instead🤷🏼♀️
Same issue happened to me too. I played on mac and pc.
I have an old save file from about two years ago, where a Sim I created and an NPC Sim got married and adopted a girl. Recently, I started playing with this family again. When both Sims developed the "Fear of Being Cheated On," I noticed that there were no romantic interactions available between them. Then, I discovered something even stranger in the family tree: they were not only spouses but also siblings. Since when?? How did I not know this??
I tried all the methods I could find online: cas.fulleditmode, MCCC, adding parents to both of them separately and then deleting all four parents. Unfortunately, none of these worked. I also know there’s another way to fix this—by uploading one Sim from the household to the gallery and then adding them back to the family. However, this would mean losing all their relationships with other Sims and rendering all milestones meaningless. That’s not what I want. I’ve played this family for over 300 hours, and I don’t want to start over with a new household.
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 29 days ago