I had turned off my PlayStation and/or put it on rest mode and then next morning I tried to play sims my sims spouse had turned into his brother. I don’t want this to happen I wanted them to be spous...
Partnered Sims turn into siblings
8 days agoRising Novice
Same issue happened to me too. I played on mac and pc.
I have an old save file from about two years ago, where a Sim I created and an NPC Sim got married and adopted a girl. Recently, I started playing with this family again. When both Sims developed the "Fear of Being Cheated On," I noticed that there were no romantic interactions available between them. Then, I discovered something even stranger in the family tree: they were not only spouses but also siblings. Since when?? How did I not know this??
I tried all the methods I could find online: cas.fulleditmode, MCCC, adding parents to both of them separately and then deleting all four parents. Unfortunately, none of these worked. I also know there’s another way to fix this—by uploading one Sim from the household to the gallery and then adding them back to the family. However, this would mean losing all their relationships with other Sims and rendering all milestones meaningless. That’s not what I want. I’ve played this family for over 300 hours, and I don’t want to start over with a new household.
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 2 months ago