
Deckete's avatar
New Spectator
4 days ago
Not A Bug

Plants remain unidentifiable [Granite Falls]

When a simmer identifies a new plant in Granite Falls, it remains unidentified when they find other plants of the same species.


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    Do they appear in your notebook ?

  • CGrant56's avatar
    4 days ago

    Deckete The unidentified plants in Granite Falls always remain unidentified.  The only place they go from unidentified to identified with their correct names is in your sim's inventory once you've identified.  Otherwise, only one sim in a household could complete the OR aspiration milestone to identify the 10 Herbalism plants.  And, once you identify one, if you go back and collect it again while you have identified it, then you have both identified and unidentified harvestables in the same stack so you'll have to find the unidentified ones and identify them again before you can use them to make the remedies.  It's designed to work that way and is not a bug. 

    Hope this helps.

  • Deckete's avatar
    New Spectator
    2 days ago

    I understand, but in my game, the same simmer who has identified a plant, a chamomile for example, if he finds another chamomile plant and picks it, the game will recognize it as unidentified and the goal of the aspiration will be fulfilled, even though he has already identified it before.

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    2 days ago
    Status changed:
    Not A Bug

    This is not a game bug. Please see CGrant56 reply below:

    The unidentified plants in Granite Falls always remain unidentified.  The only place they go from unidentified to identified with their correct names is in your sim's inventory once you've identified.  Otherwise, only one sim in a household could complete the OR aspiration milestone to identify the 10 Herbalism plants.  And, once you identify one, if you go back and collect it again while you have identified it, then you have both identified and unidentified harvestables in the same stack so you'll have to find the unidentified ones and identify them again before you can use them to make the remedies.  It's designed to work that way and is not a bug. 

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