
rjssim's avatar
Rising Scout
4 months ago
Under Investigation

Preset Eyes Eyeliner Lighter Now

I have been experiencing a problem since the update before or after Lovestruck. The eyelashes that come with preset eyes are now lighter than they used to be. They should be black. Perhaps it's a transparency issue? I don't know, but it affects the Sim's appearance. The issue still persists today with no mods. Just look very closely at the eyelashes that come with preset eyes now vs how they used to be, and you can see that they are lighter. Try looking at them in different light sources.

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ


Comments have been turned off for this idea
  • rjssim's avatar
    Rising Scout
    4 months ago

    Thanks for flagging this as "Under Investigation." At AHQ, it hasn't been flagged by anyone yet.

    EDIT: The bug is with the preset eyes eyelashes. Images on AHQ will show what I mean.

  • Tags here work a bit different than at AHQ. At AHQ a certain amount of me toos are required for an open tag but the open tag doesn't really mean that much. All bugs at AHQ are getting looked into by EA. Open basically just means that it affects a lot of people.

    This forum is more in testing right now (it's still in soft launch) and main bug reporting is still done at AHQ. Since this was also reported at AHQ and hence Maxis is aware, it's set to Under Investigation.

About The Sims 4 Bug Reports

Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 3 months ago