
richellejan's avatar
New Spectator
5 months ago

Reaper rewards week 3- catching angelfish

I have caught three angelfish, but the game has not registered them, so I haven't been able to unlock the next rewards points. I have tried fishing at Glimmerbrook through the portal and Willow Creek by the library, but I cannot advance. Has anyone else had this problem and did they find a solution? Thanks in advance! 


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  • Same thing is happening to me as well. Caught 6 of them and even purchased them, and still not registering that I've caught the angelfish.

  • MasirhCzar's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    5 months ago

    I am having this same issue... I have tried just about everything, and it is showing no task anymore, and no points were collected... I don't know what to do at this point. 

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    4 months ago
    Status changed:

    As the Reaper's Rewards event has now ended, this thread has been archived. 

    Thank you all so much for sharing the information needed to assist the team. Even though some issues weren't able to be resolved by the conclusion of the Reaper's Rewards event, we were able to use that data provided to improve the experience for future events. 

    As always, we continue to learn and explore how we can provide the best possible experience for all who play The Sims 4, and will use the information in this thread to make decisions on how we can best move forward for future events. 

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