This issue is more of a symptom than an actual bug and there's many different threads for it depending on when it happens.
Don't think there's one for Sims coming home from high school.
Is this the only constellation you have this with ? Does it also happen for you on a household with no teens when please another active career ? Would also be good if you could test one teen only as there's a few issues with multiple teens.
- Lathian9 hours agoSeasoned Rookie
I don't have issues with other active jobs like the reaper career. Only on return from active day at high school. On returning from the active day at high school anyone at work or in a club activity is brought home. They don't have their work clothes on either like they never went to work. Instead they have on whatever they had on when the teens went to active school day.
I've only experienced this with the active day at high school. I don't believe multiple teens are needed. Any active day and return from lot will do this. I'll try again when I get a chance to see if only one teen going does this when I get a chance.