- elliebreton2 months agoLegend
Strange, cos this only just started in my game after the most recent update... they have an upstairs above these rooms and a roof, of course. And, luckily for me, it's Summer in my game so it's raining non-stop every single day. No puddles forming and it doesn't affect my sims; just ruins my screenshots and spoils my gameplay.
Raindrops keep falling on my head, la la la. - cooldood5552 months agoNew Adventurer
It's raining and snowing indoors in my game, too, but it seems like it's just visual. Like, no puddles or snow indoors, no outdoor temperature effects, etc. I only mention this because another poster, yesterday, said that Sims were freezing to death inside and I'm definitely not having that issue.
- tweaver26742 months agoRising Rookie
I'm having the same issue
- Nuke6152 months agoNew Ace
rains and snows inside...this is the 1st floor of 3 stories and it is falling through (see screenshot)
- Nuke6152 months agoNew Ace
They'll fix it eventually. Be patient
- kickassmodern2 months agoNew Novice
- Dijad_Iths2 months agoNew Spectator
Same issue. Rain, Thunderstorm effects happening inside buildings, though not in basements. Sims don't get wet.
- GwendolynnK2 months agoSeasoned Traveler
Same here, weather is on the inside. I'm on PC with no mods on, nothing on basement level. Started after I updated this week. I have Meniere's so the extra movement causes some nausea over time since some of the drops closer to camera cause big blurry streaks. I usually play Sims4 when I can't play other high movement games because it's so stationary. I hope this gets fixed soon. 🍀 ♥️
- Simmerville2 months agoLegend
Me too. I've been playing several houses lately, and last night was the first time I saw this. I installed the game on a new computer about a week ago, so I got any patches up to that day, but did play offline after, so in case there was a patch this last week, it can't have cause the bug.
I thought it was just in city apartments, because I did not see it until I played in San Myshuno, but now see others get it elsewhere. I probably had no heavy rain until last night when there was a thunderstorm.
I use UI Cheat and will just change the weather if it becomes too annoying.
- Trilani232 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
still happening in my game, no cc. I have turned off rain and snow/blizzards all together now.