
Sejian's avatar
Seasoned Veteran
2 days ago

Sims just lie in bed after woohoo instead of sleeping/no sleep moodlet

This is a simple thing to replicate - two sims WooHoo and afterwards they transition into the sleep posture, but the ACTIVE sim doesn't actually sleep, they just lay there like a weirdo.

This problem is exasperated with Autonomy set to "OFF" or by enabling "Disable Autonomy for Selected Sim" in GAME OPTIONS > GAMEPLAY. This is because with Autonomy enabled, the game will find something for the ACTIVE sim to do and pull them out of bed.

There's more at work here. During my troubleshooting I was able to do two things of note:

  1. I got the TARGET NPC sim to sleep properly.
  2. I got the missing Sleeping BUFF/Moodlet to apply to the ACTIVE sim. But even with it, the ACTIVE sim refuses to sleep properly. In fact, with the missing BUFF/Moodlet added, they get locked into the buggy "waking sleep" forever.

Unless I'm mistaken, both ACTIVE and TARGET sims are under the influence of the same LOOT and INTERACTION functions, so it's making no sense that I can get the TARGET sim to sleep properly but the ACTIVE sim refuses to.


A "BAND-AID" is not a "BUGFIX" because it does not FIX the issue, it puts a band-aid on it. Get it?

The BAND-AID modifies TWO (2) WooHoo INTERACTIONS and guts ONE (1) WooHoo LOOT that seems to be exasperating the problem or it's just completely useless - similar to the buggy BUFF that was breaking Pizza Delivery Specialists.

The result is that the ACTIVE sim will now exit the sleep posture and chat with the other sim after WooHoo. No more endless waking sleep and no irritating Autonomy required.

I attached this BAND-AID to this "idea", but you can also grab it from my SimFileShare. It will also be made available Elsweyr over the coming days. There is (0) TS4SCRIPT and (1) PACKAGE in this ZIP ARCHIVE:


P.S. This is NOT the BUGFIX/BAND-AID I mentioned working on the last time I was here, and also, I know what you did last summer - the EIGHTEEN (18) Deformer Maps are still broken. I will be making a new "Idea" for them if they are still broken and haven't been removed in the coming "emergency" update that's meant to fix the children's bodies that somehow broke after "fixing" our broken spines finally. Cheers.

P.P.S. I forgot to link the original Bug Report - [OPEN] Sim not getting sleep moodlet after woohoo although sleeping | EA Forums - 11448540

Edit By Crinrict: Removed base game tag. Not necessary. Also adjusted title


Comments have been turned off for this idea
  • Sejian's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    2 days ago

    I would if I could. Also, this has been broken since Update 6/3/2020. The original post title matched my post title Elsweyr - "Update 6/3/2020 broke sleeping after WooHoo."

    I'll take a look at that report you linked.

  • EA_Solaire's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    58 minutes ago

    Hi all,

    This issue is currently being tracked in the open bug report here- please be sure to add your information into this current thread instead to help us further track and review the issue.

    Thank you! 

About The Sims 4 Bug Reports

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