I removed my mods and cc to see if that made her normal again but it didn't she looks like she's pregnant. It even looks like that in CAS
Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title
Please use this thread for everything regarding infants/toddlers/children having distorted bodies or faces or simply looking different then before the patch.
EDIT: I have an update, maybe a work around 1. Ctrl+Shift+C -> CAS.fulleditmode 2. Load into CAS -> age Child up to Elder -> return to LiveMode 3. Load into CAS -> age Elder back down to Child -> Return to LiveMode 4, Child no longer appears pregnant I can't say this is a solution but it looks promising.
I have two child Sims created on PS4 somewhere in 2019. Those Sims (2 separate families) were uploaded to the gallery from PS4 in 2020. I created a PC save in 2021 converting those 2 Sims to Base Game as I was moving from PS4 to PC. One of the female child Sims was an alien but lost that status as they were converted to a human Sim at that time. I still have my 1st save created on PC in 2021. Loading into it today I found these 2 female child Sims appear pregnant in the Base Game save on PC. I eventually bought packs back and now have a PC save with the original PS4 Sims on my PC. In my current save they also appear pregnant.
Curious, I loaded into my Xbox Series X to an existing save on that console & found yes, these 2 Sims also appear pregnant on Xbox.
I have the saves uploaded to my Google Drive as well as screenshots. I will be sending them to Cade as requested. Images below are Xbox & PC.
These are the Gallery Listings for the families. I have left the description so they can be found by hashtags if they do not appear in a search through the household names. Both of my gallery's are pretty long.
These are from PC in today's save. Same Family.
The issue is reproducible by downloading these families to a New Save game on both PC & Xbox. I have another household as well but didn't want to flood the feed with 20 pictures. I already think this is probably too many.
4/5 of my child sims have some sort of issue with body type (the sim in pink has no visible issues even when i use the slider), i dont have toddler sims and my two infant sims have no noticeable changes (although I might be oblivious, idk). the weird thing is that the 4 sims with issues all exhibit different problems. the mods i have are mc command center, 4 column cas and ui extension, i play multiple households and i havent played any of these sims recently so they might have been like this before the most recent update, i only noticed today when one of my sims aged up into an elder and i went into cas to change their clothing to something appropriate for an elder sim. i hope theres a fix soon, ngl im scared to play now, what if my child sim gives birth, cuz it sure looks like she might. if theres any questions i can answer to hopefully find a fix, pls ask away
I don't think this is limited to infants and toddlers. My adult sim's appearance has also changed after the update. The presets are broken. She had bigger lips, and her face shape changed.
I have noticed the appearance of my toddlers looking stretched, like they are the same size as a child, and face features have changed slightly, also tested without mods.
Did some testing using another laptop where I didn't update the game and never used CC or mods to create a sim where I pushed all the sliders to the limit, in one direction and in the other direction. They have the weight and the muscle slider set to the middle in each case. Then duplicated this Sim and aged it down in CAS to a child, a toddler and an infant.
In terms of body, I only saw the distorsions for children (I wasn't able to have those buff infants I saw below, it would have been fun at least!)
But the faces are messed up for toddlers and infants (seems ok for children). Top is on a non updated game, and bottom is on an updated game:
On the bottom row, I would say toddlers and infants look older than they are supposed to.
As everyone said, it's easy to reproduce and there are plethora of Sims already on the gallery (and even on the game by default) where you can see those impacts. I have a link here updated on Google Drive including the screenshots, tray file for the family and a save.
If that's related to this finding of sliders for faces and body being used to age gradually those ages, that's not a bad thing. But I think the body sliders should be tuned way down in order not to have weirdly shaped children 😅
It seems that it's not only happening with infants/toddlers/children because today I've figured out that a teenager sim of one of my households has changed her body shape by itself. I changed to another shape with cas.fulleditmode.