
mysticfairy1's avatar
New Adventurer
8 hours ago

Try to do a description but everything is disallowed

After making a Sim in CAS, I'm trying to do the description and the only words it allows me to use are the pose artists name and default artists name. Even putting the EsteemedEntrepeneur gets me a disallowed word. Asking my friends if they are having the same problem, they are. One can't even put the artists name in because the name is a DISALLOWED WORD. Mind you, the name is allowed by EA as a nickname. 

I do understand having to keep standards, but the standards swing wildly from super strict to more relaxed. I don't even want to play or recommend the game when it's being this unfair. 

1 Comment

  • Filtered word lists are not hand-crafted by the companies that use them. They don't sit down, write a list of all the names they've ever used, all the names their users have, and make sure to write a hand-made list that matches the standards applied by those other contexts. Filtered word lists also look for things that may be an attempt at a blocked term, or circumventing a block with creative spelling. They are not designed to be a perfect system but a good enough system that, more often than not, correctly filters things. 

    The standards do not swing from "super strict" to "more relaxed", it is a simple filter- if something is in the filter it is blocked, plain and simple. There are no variations in strictness, it's always blocked if it's a blocked term. 

    Likewise, EA does not name Sims based on whether or not they would be rejected by the gallery.

    I have just tested and the name "EsteemedEntrepreneur" is not blocked. You also left out any other details on the name and/or description you're attempting to use. 

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