After the update on 7/23/24 CAS wouldn’t load. I would just be stuck on the loading screen. Today’s update made it even worse. I can’t even load a household. If I click on a household to play it goes...
Update ruined my game
8 months agoNew Spectator
I was affected by the simology panel bug. That's fixed but now my game won't progress past the CAS loading screen. I can't even play the new expansion I preordered. What can I do to fix this??? Like what the heck
8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Right?! I was so looking forward to the new expansion pack. I was about to purchase it, but wanted to see what updates had been done with the latest patch and when I had all these issues I figured I should wait until they are fixed to purchase it so that I can actually play the game with the new pack. This second patch seems to have made things even worse. I can't even load a household and when I try to create a new one my whole screen turns white and freezes. It is so frustrating!
About The Sims 4 Bug Reports
Report bugs for The Sims 4 on PC, Mac, Playstation, and Xbox.Latest Activity: 17 hours ago